Murder On Mars Read online

Page 7

  “Uh, what are you saying?”

  “You are young. I am old. I can remember when Earth was a paradise! There was still fresh water and clean air but now all that is gone! We have ruined God’s perfect world and we are doing it to Mars! I won’t let that happen again!”

  He pounded on the desk and snarled,

  “Those men have done it! They have come here and brought their slime with them!”

  “Who do you mean, sir?”

  “Why, you know who I am talking about! Governor Ryan and Johnny Rocco and his gang! They must be stopped! But no one is willing to do anything about them! They’re all cowards!”

  Father Johnson started coughing and the young woman rushed to his side. She said to Walker,

  “Please leave. He is not well.”

  Walker said,

  “Thank you for your time.”

  He got up and turned around and focused his mind upon the old man. Father Johnson was thinking,

  We will blow up Sin City! We will wipe it off the face of Mars! God’s work will be done!

  Walker walked out of the main building and looked around. He probed the compound and felt the presence of the weapons in a large warehouse. He thought to himself,

  This will happen soon…..

  He got back into his car and drove out of the compound. He said to the car,

  “Take me back to police headquarters.”


  Walker walked back into Chief Hernandez’s office. Hernandez looked up and said,

  “What’s up?”

  “Two things. What do you know about Father Johnson?”

  “Not much other than he’s a crackpot. Why?”

  “Well, I just paid him a visit and he’s planning on blowing up Sin City.”

  “What? How do you know?”

  “Because I read his mind, that’s how I know! And he’s really sick. He won’t be alive much longer. He thinks this will be his last chance to save Mars.”

  “Great. He’s been here for years and he’s never hurt anyone.”

  “Yeah, well, he went on about how Mars was being ruined by Johnny Rocco and his gang. He’s right of course.”

  “So, what should we do about it?”

  “Nothing for now. Look, I have something else to tell you but I can’t discuss it here. Where can we go?”

  “Well, let’s get something to eat. I’m starved! There’s a new Jewish deli that just opened up not too far from here. It’s called Katz Deli.”

  Walker laughed and said,

  “Oh, boy, you’ve got to be kidding me!”

  “No! I heard it’s pretty good!”

  “Okay, let’s go!”

  They took an elevator down to the street and walked up Jefferson Street to a Jewish deli. It looked old fashioned and there was a line outside waiting to get in. Walker took out a pad and pen and wrote on it,


  Hernandez gripped his arm and said, in a whisper,

  “Is this true?”

  Walker nodded. He wrote,


  Hernandez shook his head. They walked into the restaurant and found a quiet corner away from the rest of the customers. Hernandez leaned over and said in a loud whisper,

  “Who told you this?”

  Walker shook his head and said,

  “Trust me, this is true. Anderson was the one who signed the form to get Rocco to Mars. This is why Rocco’s men have not been arrested. Anderson won’t press charges.”

  Hernandez leaned back in his chair and looked stunned. A waitress came by and took their order. Hernandez said,

  “So, what do we do about this?”

  “Nothing. There’s more bad news. Some of your police officers are on the take. The whole system is rotten but I’m not interested in them. I’m building a case against Rocco and his men. Understand?”

  Hernandez nodded. He looked sick. The waitress came back with their food but Hernandez said,

  “I don’t feel like eating now.”

  “Look, you can’t tell anyone about this, okay? I’m going to tell Edwards later. I have to talk to Captain Parker. I’ll talk to you later about this. All right?”

  Hernandez nodded. He picked at his food and said,

  “I somehow knew that something was going on. I could never put the pieces together.”

  “Don’t beat yourself up over this, chief. It’s not your fault. You’re a good cop. These people are only human. Everyone makes mistakes. Now, come on – let’s eat.”

  Walker picked up his sandwich and began eating. Hernandez took a bite out of his sandwich and chewed mechanically. He was lost in thought……


  Walker got back into his car and said,

  “Computer, can you connect me with Captain Tex Parker on Earth?”


  A moment later, the monitor came to life and Captain Parker looked at Walker and said,

  “So, how’s it going up there?”

  “Tex, I know what’s going on now. The DA Robert Anderson used to work for Rocco and Governor Ryan back in New York.”

  “Well, sir, I was just about to call you but you know more than I do. Where did you get this information?”

  “I can’t tell you right now. Look, you have to tell Washington that we need a new DA and a new governor up here right away. It’s about to get ugly. Can you have Washington send the Space Marines up here and the commando robots?”

  “Sure. I’ll tell them. What’s going on?”

  “I’m going to start pressing some buttons. It’s going to get hot.”

  Parker nodded and said,

  “You be careful, John. Look, you may have some new orders. I’ll call Washington and get started on your requests. Good luck.”

  The monitor went dark. Walker asked the computer,

  “Computer, locate Detective Edwards.”

  “Working. She is on a stakeout at the corner of Pierce and Grant.”

  “Fine. Take me there.”

  The car put itself into gear and drove across town and presently, Walker saw a black police car parked on a side street. Inside were Edwards and the android. She was looking across the street with a pair of binoculars. Walker parked the car and walked over to the other police car and got into the back seat. Edwards said,

  “What’s up, handsome?”

  “Look, I have to tell you this now. The DA Robert Anderson used to work for Rocco as his attorney.”

  Edwards turned around and said,

  “What? Are you kidding me? I know Mr Anderson! I”ve been to his home and I know his wife and kids! That’s crazy! Where did you hear this from?”

  “Petrov. We’ve been exchanging information.”

  “And you believe him?”

  “Why hasn’t any of Rocco’s men been arrested and prosecuted? Anderson is protecting Rocco’s men!”

  “I can’t believe it! Anderson is so – so charming and – “

  “Think about it, Sam. Anderson is the one who signed the papers to bring Rocco to Mars! How else could he get here? Rocco and his men are running this planet! All they need is Max Thorton and they will be unstoppable!”

  Edwards sat in silence. She finally asked,

  “What are we going to do?”

  “Just sit tight and don’t say anything to anybody about this, okay? I just talked to Capta
in Parker and he’s going to contact Washington about sending a new DA and a new Governor up here. Thorton will be arriving on Friday – that’s four days from now. Joe, what about the corporation’s computer system. Any luck?”

  “No, detective. I can’t find any connection between the corporation and Rocco. I’ll keep looking.”

  “All right. I have to go. I”ll see you tonight.”

  Walker got out of the car and walked over to his car and got in. Chief Hernandez appeared on the monitor. He said,

  “Both you and Edwards are to appear before DA Anderson right now. Something’s come up.”


  He put the car into gear. The monitor came to life. Edwards said,

  “You got that message? What do you think it is?”

  “Someone’s going to talk. I’ll meet you there.”


  Walker arrived first and waited downstairs in the lobby. Edwards and the android appeared moments later. They took an elevator up to the top floor and walked down a long hallway towards a wooden door. Walker opened it and they walked into an opulent office, complete with huge glass windows that overlooked the desert. Sitting behind a huge wooden desk was Robert Anderson, a well dressed man with silver hair and dark intense eyes. But he looked pale and sickly. Something was wrong. Sitting in front of the desk was a small man with a rat like face. Standing behind him was a tall man with a greasy face and a black toupee. He was the rat man’s lawyer and he looked the part. DA Anderson said, with a strain in his voice,

  “Uh, thank you for coming on such short notice. Detective Edwards, do you recognize this man?”

  He pointed to the rat man with a nervous face. Edwards said,

  “Yes, sir – that’s Slim Clemons. I arrested him for the murder of his wife two years ago. He’s scheduled to be sent to the prison on the Moon in a couple of weeks. What’s going on?”

  Anderson took out an expensive handkerchief and wiped his face. He said,

  “Thank you, detective.”

  The big, greasy lawyer said in a loud and booming voice,

  “Ah, yes, let’s get down to business. My name is John Higgins. I’m Mr Clemons’s lawyer. He is willing to turn states evidence against Johnny Rocco. As you may know, my client used to work for Mr Rocco and Governor Ryan. Now, I have been able to make a deal with Mr Anderson here. In exchange for his testimony, Mr Clemons will stay on Mars but he will need protection of course. Mr Rocco is a very dangerous man and he has friends everywhere. Isn’t that right, Mr Anderson?”

  Anderson had turned white as a sheet. Something was going on but Walker couldn’t make it out. There was too much confusion. Higgins asked Walker,

  “Now, detective – can you guarantee my client’s safety?”

  Walker focused his mind on Anderson. He knew Clemons. They had a connection but Walker couldn’t tell what it was. The air was filled with thick emotion. Walker said to Higgins,

  “No, I can’t guarantee his safety.”

  Higgins turned purple and snarled,

  “What are you saying?”

  Walker snapped and said angrily,

  “Look, there’s another psychic on Mars who’s like me and when he finds out that your client here is talking, he’ll be dead by morning. There’s no way I can protect him. Isn’t that right, Mr Anderson?”

  Anderson looked at Walker with wide eyes. He looked like he was going to jump out of his skin. He said thickly,

  “Yes, he’s quite right. I know this man. He’s a Russian psychic spy who now working for Rocco. He can kill a man with just a thought. I’m afraid Mr Higgins that your client would be safer if he went to the Moon, in my opinion.”

  Higgins looked at Anderson and said,

  “What? What’s going on? Is it really true you used to work for Rocco? I thought that Clemons here was making that up.”

  Walker said,

  “No, it’s true. Anderson here is the reason why Rocco in on Mars in the first place. He pulled some strings but that’s not what I want to know. Mr Clemons, what’s on that freighter that coming? What’s going to happen on Friday?”

  The rat faced man smiled and said,

  “Forget it, detective. I ain’t talking to you!”

  Walker focused his mind on Clemons’s mind. It was plain as day. He said,

  “So, there are combat robots on that freighter. Rocco is going to use them to break out the prisoners on Friday and use them to take over the city. Thank you for your information. Mr Higgins, I don’t need your client anymore. You can have him.”

  “What? You can’t do that! Mr Anderson – “

  Anderson suddenly opened his desk drawer and took out a gun. He put it against his head and pulled the trigger. His head exploded like a melon. Everyone in the room stood like statues except for the android. Edwards screamed and Higgins ran out of the office in terror. Clemons said to Walker in a weak voice,

  “He was a part of it. He was going to coordinate everything. He was Rocco’s right hand man. Well, that’s over with. I’ll go back to prion now.”

  Clemons got up and walked out of the room. Walker was in shock. He turned to a sobbing Edwards and said,

  “I – I didn’t know that would happen! I – I didn’t see it coming! It was so sudden!”

  The android said calmly,

  “I have notified the police department. What do we do now, detective?”

  “We wait until the police arrive. Oh, God! We have to talk to Hernandez about this! Sam, are you all right?”

  She nodded her head weakly. She said, after blowing her nose,

  “I’m all right now. I’m just shaken up.”

  “So am I.”

  Police technicians arrived and Detective Reynolds walked into the office and whistled. He said,

  “Wow! What a mess! What happened?”

  Walker said,

  “Anderson was a part of Rocco’s gang.”

  “Wow! No kidding! The DA of all people! Okay, I”ll take it from here.”

  Walker, Edwards and the android walked out of the office and took an elevator down and went to see Chief Hernandez. He was sitting behind his desk and he was shaking. He said to Walker,

  “What happened?”

  “Well, Anderson was trapped. He knew there was no way out for him. So, he blew his brains out.”

  Hernandez nodded and said weakly,

  “I knew him. I never suspected he was working for Rocco. He always appeared to be so – “

  His words faded away. He looked at Walker and said,

  “What now?”

  “I’m going to go and have a talk with Father Johnson. I can use him. I’ll be in touch.”

  He looked at Edwards and she was badly shaken up. He said to her,

  “I’ll see you tonight, okay?”

  She nodded and smiled at Walker weakly. He walked out of the office.


  Walker got back into his car and he said to the computer,

  “Computer, I need to talk to Captain Parker. Put me through.”

  “Working. Just a moment.”

  A couple of minutes passed and then Captain Parker appeared on the monitor. He said,

  “Hey, John! I was going to call you! Good news! The Justice Department has agreed to everything you asked for! What’s wrong?”

  Walker said thickly,

  “Tex, DA Robert Anderson just blew is brains out in his office. It just happened.”

  Parker looked confused. He said a
fter a moment,

  “What happened?”

  “He was cornered and he saw no way out. Also, there are combat robots on the freighter. Rocco is going to use them to break out the prisoners in the prison here on Mars. He’s going to use them to take over Mars. Look, I need anything you can send me now!”

  “I understand. I’ll get in touch with the Marines. See what happens. They can be teleported to Mars. When do you want them?”

  “Tomorrow. The whole system up here is corrupted! What about the new governor?”

  “He’s coming as well as a new DA. They’re both good people, John. But Mars will have to be put under government control until we can figure out what to do next. Oh, and your new orders have just come through. You are to arrest both Rocco and Governor Ryan. Look, I’m coming to Mars with the Marines. Okay? Just hang in there! You’re doing a great job!”

  “Yeah. I guess. Okay. Keep me informed.”

  “Right. Where are you going now?”

  “To talk to Father Johnson. He’s – well, it’s a long story.”

  “Okay. See you tomorrow.”

  The monitor went dark. Walker said,

  “Computer, take me back to the compound.”

  The car put itself into gear and took off for the desert…..


  The car approached the compound. At the gate, an armed guard came out and said,

  “Stop! What do you want?”

  “I must speak to Father Johnson again! It’s urgent!”

  “Wait here.”

  The guard walked back to the gate and walked inside. He returned and said,

  “I’m afraid you can’t come in. Father Johnson is very sick.”

  Walker took out his badge and said,

  “This is official business. I can get a court order and return with the police if I have to. Do you want that?”