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Murder On Mars Page 4
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Page 4
Where am I?
This is the chamber where we communicate with God or whatever you want to call it. You see that giant red crystal? We use it to connect with God. We have no use for shamans or priests.
How do you use it?
Oh, it’s very simple. Just focus your mind upon the crystal and it will come alive. You’ll see.
What happened to your people?
Oh, war, greed and stupidity. We are not very different from you. We were not perfect. We made a lot of stupid mistakes that cost us everything.
Why have you chosen me?
Because you are different from the others. Your abilities are very impressive. You are someone who is very important. You will be the savior of Mars.
What do you mean? What will I do that will be so important?
You will find out. It’s time for you to go back.
Ka’al raised his right hand and Walker woke up with a start. He looked around and saw Edwards getting dressed in her gym clothes. She smiled at him and said,
“Good morning! Are you ready for a new day?”
“Sure. Where are you going?”
“To the gym and then I’m going swimming. Want to join me?”
“Sounds good to me! But I have to check in with the android and then I’ll join you.”
“Okay! Don’t be too long!”
She picked up her gym bag and walked out the door. Walker got dressed and went downstairs to find the android. He was sitting in his chair, staring straight ahead. It was a little unnerving to see the android sitting like that. He looked like a very life like dummy. The android looked at Walker and said,
“Good morning, detective. There has been new developments during the night. Captain Parker wants to talk to you.”
“Okay, thanks.”
He walked away and found a soundproof booth and closed the door behind him. He pressed a button and the video monitor came to life. An operator appeared. She said,
“Yes? Can I help you?”
“Yes, I’m Detective John Walker of the NYPD. I want to make a call to Captain Tex Parker of the NYPD.”
“One moment please.”
The screen went dark and a moment later, the old, weather beaten face of Captain Parker appeared on the screen. He smiled and said with a drawl,
“Well, hi there, partner! So, how’s the trip going? Did you find Detective Edwards okay?”
“Oh, yeah.”
Parker laughed and said,
“Ha! You lucky dog you! I wish I was twenty years younger! She’s really something, I bet! Well, anyway, back to business. It turns out that both Governor Ryan and Johnny Rocco are working with the Tyler Corporation. We don’t know anything more than that, I’m afraid. You’ll have to find that out.”
“Hmmmm….okay. Say, I have a question for you. How did someone like Johnny Rocco wind up on Mars? I heard that he was banned from traveling to Mars. What happened?”
“That’s a really good question but I don’t have an answer for you on that. I’ll look into it from my end. So, what’s the ship like?”
Walker laughed and said,
“It’s like a cruise ship on steroids! It’s got everything! It’s very impressive!”
“I bet. Well, I’ll let you go back to work. Have fun!”
Walker laughed and said,
“It’s a tough job but someone has to do it! Talk to you later!”
They both laughed and the monitor went dark. Walker left the booth and found a gym store and bought himself a pair of swim trunks and a towel. Then he went swimming with Edwards.
After the swim, Walker changed into his clothes and went to see the android. He said, sitting down next to him,
“Joe, I need some information.”
“Okay. What do you want to know?”
“What can you tell me about the Tyler Corporation?”
“The Tyler Corporation is the largest corporation on Earth. It rivals the government in both size and importance. The Tyler Corporation makes almost everything, from baby food to military grade weapons. They have their own military and computer system. It has – “
“That’s enough, Joe. Thanks. Captain Parker said that both Governor Ryan and Johnny Rocco are working with the Tyler Corporation. What are they up to? Can you access the corporation’s computer system?”
“No, I don’t think so. It is a different system from mine.”
“I thought you said you can access any computer system.”
“The corporation’s computer system has a very strong firewall. I will try to break it.”
“Good. Let me know when you get in.”
Walker got up and walked back to Edwards’s apartment. She was at a computer when he walked in. She looked up and said,
“So, what’s going on?”
“I just received word from Captain Parker that both Governor Ryan and Rocco are working with the Tyler Corporation.”
“Hmmmm….well, that makes sense. The Tyler Corporation runs just about everything on Mars. They control the mines, the hospitals, the prison – just about everything really. You know, there’s a new drug that appeared just after Rocco arrived on Mars. It’s called Martian Candy.”
“Yeah, pure coincidence, I’m sure. You know what I don’t understand? How did someone like Rocco get to Mars in the first place? I thought he was barred from going to Mars.”
“Yes, I wonder about that, too. Who did he bribe?”
“That’s a very good question. So, what’s the new drug like?”
“Oh, I tried it once! It’s like a synthetic heroin. It’s crude but it makes you feel really good inside. It’s very addictive.”
“Yeah, I can imagine! What happened? How did you try it?”
“Oh, Chief Hernandez asked for volunteers and I said, why not? They had an antidote ready, so I wasn’t in any danger. They sell the drug to miners, gamblers – you name it! They must be making a fortune!”
“So, where does the money go?”
“Well, the corporation runs the banks, so – “
Walker shook his head. He said,
“So, the money goes right back to Rocco and he splits the money with the corporation. It’s all very neat. What a mess.”
“You know, when I first got here, Mars was a very clean and safe planet but it was pretty boring. There wasn’t too much excitement and then Governor Ryan gets elected and Rocco arrives and before long, things get really interesting. Then the corporation starts to take over. It’s been all downhill since then.”
“And the police force is overwhelmed. What about the local government?”
“What can they do? Rocco has bought all of the politicians!”
“Yeah, I don’t see much of a future for Mars. Rocco has to be stopped.”
“But how? He’s too big!”
“There’s always a weakness in every system. I’ll find it.”
“Look, John, can we just stop talking about this? Let’s do something fun before it’s too late!”
“Like what?”
“Let’s go dancing! I haven’t done that in a long while!”
Walker laughed and said,
“Me neither! Okay, let’s go but I have to warn you! I’m pretty rusty!”
They ran out of the apartment and went looking for a dance club…..
The night club was full and jumping. Walker and Edwards danced to a big jazz band. The musicians were all dressed in black tie and tails. Wh
en the music stopped, they walked over to a table and collapsed laughing. Walker said, out of breath,
“Boy, I haven’t done that in a long time!”
“Me neither!”
A robot waiter wearing a black suit and tie walked over with two drinks on a tray. Walker said,
“What’s this? We didn’t order anything!”
The robot pointed to the bar and said,
“The drinks came from that man over there.”
Walker looked and saw a thin, old man with white hair wearing a dark gray suit and a red tie. The man smiled and raised a drink in salute. Edwards asked,
“Who’s that?”
“I have no idea.”
The old man got up from his bar stool and walked over. He asked, in a slight Russian accent,
“Pardon me. May I sit with you?”
Walker said,
“Yes, of course.”
“Thank you.”
As the old man sat down, Walker scanned him. He looked at Walker with a knowing smile and said,
“You are very impressive, Detective John Walker! I can feel you trying to get into my mind!”
The old man tapped his head. Walker asked,
“How do you know who I am?”
“Oh, I know everything about you! You are a special agent with the NYPD, yes? I have been following your career with great interest! You and I are very much the same, yes? And this beautiful and charming woman is Detective Samantha Edwards of the Martian Police Force!”
Edwards smiled and said, with a look of confusion on her face,
“Who are you?”
“Oh, let me introduce myself! I am Boris Petrov of Russia! I used to work for the secret police and now I work for the CIA! They pay much better, yes? You see, Detective Walker and I have a lot in common. We are both gifted psychics who work for the government. The Russians have a similar training program. It all goes back to the old Soviet days. Ah, detective, I have to talk to you about some things when you get a chance. I have some information that I think you’ll find very interesting. But we can’t talk here. It’s too loud, yes? Can we go somewhere more quiet?”
“Yes, of course. Let’s go.”
The three of them got up and walked out of the nightclub and found a coffee shop. A robot waiter came by and took their orders for coffee. Petrov said,
“Now, let me just say that I am on a mission to discover what the connection is between Rocco and the Tyler Corporation. The government is most anxious to find a way to control the corporation. It has been steadily taking over Mars and the government is very worried. You see, the Tyler Corporation is like a giant octopus slowly taking over everything. Pretty soon, it will control the whole planet and so will Johnny Rocco! They are working together! Now, your assignment is to find and take Max Thorton back to Earth. The government is very anxious to keep Thorton away from Rocco and the corporation. Max Thorton knows everyone in the underworld. He is like a living computer. He is the missing key to all of this. Governor Ryan and Rocco are trying to bring other members of their gang to Mars. If this happens, there will be no hope for the government on Mars. Mars will become a separate world – controlled by thieves and murderers! Who knows what will happen then, eh? Pure chaos, I think.”
Walker said, rubbing his chin,
“Yes, but how did Johnny Rocco come to Mars? It doesn’t make any sense! How could something like this happen?”
“Ah, there is someone who has been helping Rocco! I think I know who it is!”
“Well, I am not sure but I am looking into it.”
“Look, can we work together on this? I’m having my android break into the corporation’s computer system. Once that happens, I’ll know more.”
“Your android won’t be able to break in. The corporation’s computer system is very heavily guarded. Unless the android has the right key, it won’t get in. I’ll see what I can do to help. Yes, we can work together! It’s a very good idea! But now, I must retire. I am getting old and I need my sleep. We will see each other again on Mars.”
The old man got up and shook Walker’s hand. He then took Edwards’s hand and kissed it. He said,
“Good night, my friends. Pleasant dreams!”
The old man walked away slowly. Edwards asked Walker,
“What’s wrong?”
“Something’s wrong. I felt it when he touched my hand. He’s not telling the truth. He knows more than he telling us.”
He shook his head and said,
“Look, I’m getting tired. I have to go and talk to the android about our new friend here. I’ll see you back in the apartment.”
“Okay. Don’t be long.”
Edwards got up and kissed him. Walker followed her out of the coffee shop….
Walker found the android sitting in his chair, staring straight ahead at the video monitor with his eyes open. The monitor showed the stars. Walker sat down next to the android and asked him,
“How are you doing?”
“I am fine, detective. We are beginning to slow down. We are more than halfway to Mars. It won’t be long now. Can I help you?”
“Yes. I need some information on a man by the name of Boris Petrov. He used to work for the Russian secret police and now he works for the CIA. What can you find on him?”
“Just a moment later.”
A moment later, a picture of a much younger Boris Petrov in his Russian secret police uniform appeared on the screen. The android said,
“Boris Petrov is a well known professional psychic. He has used his abilities in the past to kill people on orders from the Russian government. He makes his victims hearts stop and his victims appear to have died of heart attacks. He has many ties to various organizations. He is rumored to have assassinated heads of state for money. He is currently working for the CIA. Why do you ask? Is he on the ship?”
“Yes. He’s going to Mars. I just met him.”
“Hmmmm…..I see. He is, as they say, a shady character. Why is he going to Mars?”
“I don’t know yet. I can’t read his mind. What about the Tyler Corporation’s computer system? Can you get in?”
“No, I am being blocked.”
“Hmmm…they’re probably hiding something. Well, keep trying. If anything happens, let me know.”
“Yes, detective.”
Walker got up and sensed that Petrov was nearby. He looked around and saw Petrov sitting in a bar. He waved Walker over and he walked over to Petrov and sat down next to him. Petrov said,
“I need to talk to you. Please follow me to my apartment.”
Walker followed Petrov up a flight of stairs to the next level and they walked down a hallway and into Petrov’s apartment. Petrov closed the door and said,
“I must apologize…..I couldn’t say anything in front of Detective Edwards. Please sit down. Do you want something to drink?”
“No, thanks. What’s up?”
“Well, I can’t keep any secrets from you. You will find out eventually. I am working as a double agent for the government. The government is very worried about the situation on Mars. Things are getting out of hand. The director of the CIA instructed me to work with Johnny Rocco to find out what’s going on and what his plans are. The government is losing the war with the corporation, as you well know. It keeps growing stronger every day. Now, you must understand something – the man who allowed Johnny Rocco to go to Mars is the District Attorney, Robert Anderson. He was once Rocco’s lawyer. You will find this out on your own, of course. DA Anderson is
very well connected politically, as they all are. They know how to play the game but I know for a fact that Mr Anderson is having second thoughts on what’s going on. He is the weak link in their chain, you might say. I am passing information back and forth and it is a very awkward situation.”
“It must be. Hmmm…..thanks for telling me all this.”
He sat thinking. Petrov made himself a drink. Walker finally said,
“So, can we work together on this?”
“I don’t see why not. We can share information, if you like.”
“Excellent. Look, once we’re on Mars, let me know what’s going on, all right? Keep in touch.”
“Yes, of course.”
Walker stood up and walked out of Petrov’s apartment. Something as bothering him but he didn’t know what was wrong. Petrov was a very slick character. He would have to stay alert. He walked back to Edwards’s apartment and got into bed with her. They would soon be on Mars and then it would get interesting……
Walker lay in bed, unable to sleep. Ordinary time did not exist on board the ship – there were no clocks and his internal clock was out of whack. He had no idea what day it was or how much time had lapsed. The lights in the ship were always on. There was a room in the ship that showed the position of the ship in relation to Mars but he knew that was artificial. The ship was simply traveling too fast but he felt the engines starting to slow down. Mars was not that far away. He finally drifted off to sleep.
He woke and found himself standing in the middle of a forest. It looked like Earth but he knew it was Mars in some distant past. He watched giant dinosaur like creatures lumber past. Someone was allowing him to see this, making the point that Mars was like Earth at some point. Then, he was standing on a cliff overlooking a vast city made of gold and steel. He felt Ka’al presence and he turned and saw Ka’al smiling at him. He said to Walker telepathically,
You will soon arrive on Mars, my friend. It was home to a once great civilization. Now it is all gone.